Qr code generator

you can type your input then you will see QR code result to the output screen

QRCode.js javascript library provides Qr output

Fahrenheit to Celsius converter

Fahrenheit to Celsius conversation

Fahrenheit is most popular temperature scale in USA designed in 1724 by the Physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit

 Fahrenheit = (Celsius-32) * (5/9)

32 Fahrenheit equals 0 Celsius

212 Fahrenheit equals 100 Celsius (water boiling)

Mac os x sleep from command line

Mac has sleeping button on the apple icon -> sleep. Another effective way is sleeping from command line

pmset sleepnow

this command sleeps mac immediatelly

Sleeping delay
if we want to sleep after specific period, we can wait command awhile, and after system trigger command

for example sleeping after 10 seconds

sleep 10;pmset sleepnow  

Url Encoder

Encode to URL-encoded format

Byte to Mb Converter

text size calculator

You can get text size from message !

Text size calculator calculate how many characters in the text

Base64 Encoder

Base64 encoder

Base64 Decoder